The Master Craftsman

To our Mentors

Pete Loeb Master Craftsman

Pete Loeb Master Craftsman


They don’t make them like they used to.

Growing up our Dad “Paul Weitermann” was a Master Craftsman and working with him Chuck and I tried to learn his craft. But trying to learn all he knew was like trying to take a drink from a fire hose. Our Dad would build homes from the foundation to the roof and every step in-between. No need to say he taught us more than Carpentry. Fast forward 20 years He would be 109 today. Opportunities to work with Men that have Pride in their work and honesty as a compass in their life is rare. But I have to say I got lucky to meet Pete Loeb working on a set at church. We worked together for weeks building this amazing theatrical set for the church play. As we worked together Pete reminded me of my Dad. He used an old time stick ruler and would open it just like my dad did. We got along great. After finishing the set one of his guys retired and he said anytime you want a job you got one. I had a little time available so I thought I would help him out.

Well that turned into a number of years and am I glad it did. Fred (JR) was his lead Carpenter. The more I worked with Pete and JR the more I was amazed. We built additions, custom cabinets and projects others would not attempt. A few are of them are shown in this website. As I met more and more of the suppliers he worked with and his friends in the business they all had one theme in common. If you want it done right call Pete.

He is like 911, when you need help you call Pete. One of the last jobs I did with Pete was a huge addition in River forest and I can tell you that there is only a very small handful of people that would have the ability and knowledge and the guts to take on that size of job. I remember the architect firm (not a small firm)giving him the prints for the job and at a glance he told them go back to the drawing board showing them all the things they over looked and changes to make to make it right. Did I mention Pete was in his seventies when we started this job. He just celebrated his 87th birthday and if you really needed him and threw a challenge at him I believe he still will take it on.

The Heart of a Servant

One of the hallmark statements my Dad had was I would rather have a million friends than a million dollars. He loved helping people. He worked almost every day up to his late 70’s. This is another area Pete reminds me of my Dad. Pete has traveled the world on over 50 Mission trips planting seeds of hope and his love for Jesus while displaying his talents with humility. I have been blessed to go on a lot of trips with him. I can only Imagine if my Dad and Pete could have worked together it would be like the “Unbeatable Dream Team” You always think you are good until you work with someone who is great.

So Hats off to Dad and Pete!!


Master Craftsman

Paul Weitermann